All knowing God lost a cup?!

Today was a pretty good day. Aside from the fact that Bell Canada (the most evil company on the face of the planet) completely arsed up and sent me a $409 cell phone bill (complete mistake but it’s going to be a right pain in the neck to deal with it), I went with my mom and her boyfriend to see the Monty Python musical Spamalot!

It was amazing! The French taunting was impeccable and there were some really funny bits that I totally didn’t see coming. The 1st half had a lot of the Holy Grail movie stuff in it and the 2nd was a bit off track but still hilarious. I swear I didn’t stop laughing from start to finish. It was brilliant!

I’ve got a meeting in the morning with EI again to see some more about them sponsoring me to return to school. The course I’m going for now is at the Corporate Communications and Public Relations post graduate program at Centennial College. I’ve already been accepted for the program conditionally on a writing assessment, which I’m sure will be no problem, so that’s a step in the right direction. This course doesn’t start until January so I have a bit more time to sort everything out. I missed out on the ones I really wanted to look into because they started in September, but I’ve been going through the curriculum for this program and although I’m not necessarily interested in every module, it is all stuff that will be great for me to learn and look fantastic on a resume.

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