
I got a bit nervous the other day that I wouldn’t get to go to school in January, and thought I better cover my bases, so I sent out a couple resumes. Within two days I was offered a copywriting job, so I’ve taken it. I’m not particularly happy about it because it is a Mon – Fri 9 – 5 gig and it’s quite far away from my house, but I do like the work and everyone at the office seemed very nice. I’m still hoping that in January I can go to school, but it’s good to have a full time job just in case I can’t. Besides, copywriting will look great on my writing resume and it will make me write a lot more. 40 hours a week more, to be exact. I start Wednesday, and then my fun life as I know it is over for a while. I’m going to be working constantly, as I’m not giving up my Friday or Saturday night shifts at the bar. I will however, be giving up my Sunday night shift (which is the most fun) as there’s no way I can keep it with the new job. It’s all good though. I want to pay off my old student loans and rebuild my credit, and this might help that happen. I also want to pay Sandra off what I owe her from our trip to Ireland so I can start saving to go again!

My mother told me a while ago that if I wanted, I could have her old car. Now this car is nothing special. It’s a 1997 Dodge Neon and it’s purple. It’s actually kind of horrible. And it’s been in a huge accident. I know this because I’m the one that wrecked it. I stole it once when I was 18 and wanted to go see Motorhead. Anyway, I got in a hige pile-up (wasn’t my fault though, I swear) and totalled it on the highway. The insurance company wasn’t going to cover the damages because I wasn’t legally allowed to be driving the car (oh yeah, and I had a suspended learner’s permit at the time) but since my mother is such a force to be reckoned with, they did. However, to spite her, they didn’t write it off. They fixed it. Yep, that’s right. $10, 000 worth of damage to a $12, 000 car, and they fixed it. So this car is nothing special. Back to the point of my story…… I thought yesterday, well, the new job is pretty far away, and it’s going to be too cold by probably next week to ride my moped up there, so if car insurance isn’t too high, I’ll just take the car and put it on the road. Get this……………I called my broker and the cheapest he could offer me was $360 A MONTH!! So I will be taking the bus to work because I can’t afford car insurance. And you know what, even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t pay it out of principal, because that is just ridiculous. When I lived in Texas, the insurance on our truck was $550 A YEAR. I hate Ontario insurance. Everything here is backwards and stupid.

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  1. Anonymous

    I think I better start an insurance comapny in Ontario! Bastards! Man how can people afford it? That’s bigger than alot of new car payments, or gas, or ANYTHING! Insane.

  2. Lindsay R Casey

    yes i do! next sunday? due to my life as i know it being completely finished with, i can’t do anything in the week:( but you have a real job so i know you can’t either!

    i really want to photograph the giraffes.

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