Photos and news

I have so much news from my trip that it’s difficult to post about because I don’t even know where to start. So much happened and it was so brilliant. I had the most amazing time with my aunt Jane. I’ve never felt so comfortable and close to someone I’m related to before, and it’s great. She’s this incredibly unique, strong and lovely woman and I can’t say enough good things about her. I hope I can be someone like her when / if I ever grow up:)

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I also had a great time in Northern Ireland. Me and Sandra stayed with her best friends, Mickey and Jen, and it was tons of fun. I got along great with them and they were amazing hosts. Mickey took us on a sort of historical walk of Derry and showed us where Bloody Sunday happened and all that stuff. It was very interesting. I took lots of photos in Derry. A lot of the buildings have commemorative murals painted on them and it’s got a sort of eerie feeling to it. There is so much history there I could have stayed much longer and soaked it all in.

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The last night in Derry was a blast too; we were supposed to go pub crawling but went to the Bound for Boston pub and started telling tasteless jokes and didn’t leave until they kicked us out. It was great fun. This is a horrible picture of me so please bear in mind that there was a lot of booze involved.

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I’ve still got a lot more to talk about. I’ll post about them later, as Amazing Race is coming on and I want to watch it before I go to work.

Oh, and I’ve decided to start a photoblog for my more serious photographs. I will be posting lots I took in Ireland, mostly of the statues of the Irish potato famine victims (my favourite statues ever), Christchurch Cathedral and Kilmainham Gaol. It’s here, if you want to check out my photographs.

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