Today’s reading lesson……..

So since I’m a book buyer in my real life, I barely ever go out and buy new books. However, I’ve had this gift card for Chapters that I got for my birthday lying around for a while. Today I decided to use it. I got a novel that looks really interesting. It’s called “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime” and it’s about a boys strange quest to uncover the suspicious circumstances under which a neighbourhood dog mysteriously dies. Plus he hates the colour yellow. I don’t know why. I haven’t read the book yet.

I also picked up Nick Hornby’s “Otherwise Pandemonium” which I’m really excited about, since I love his other books. Like many people, High Fidelity rings a little too close to home. But it’s good. I always knew there must be other people out there who arrange their records in chronological order.

So all in all, I’ve been feeling a little better today than lately. A little less stress, which is always nice, and a little more contentment, which is all I’ve ever really wanted. Time to read. Reading is good.

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  1. mopedkytten


    Both of those books are supposed to be primo books to read. I didn’t read the book “High Fidelity” (perhaps I should) however I did see the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. We all have our quirks and for one feel we that must celebrate them, not hide them away! BTW, your energy was much lighter on Sunday…


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